Work requests can be submitted 24 hours/day and are generally handled within 24 hours.
SSC Maintenance may respond during non-business hours for requests involving electrical failure, gas leaks, glass replacement affecting safety or security, excessive hot/cold conditions, plumbing leaks or floods, roof leaks, or door/lock malfunctions affecting safety or security.
How to Submit Requests for Maintenance Services
Regular Service Request
To submit a regular Work Request for problems in your room and/or building please proceed as follows:
- Open the work request system: http://aggieworks.tamu.edu (consider bookmarking this URL)
- Click Login to AggieWorks
- Use your NetID and password
- Click Begin Request
- Complete the required fields with a brief description of the maintenance issue.
Return to the AggieWorks System to track your request or report outages
Emergency/Immediate Service Request
Emergency Service Requests refer to repairs that are necessary to either eliminate a clear threat to life or safety or to prevent extensive building damage.
If your request requires an immediate response including electrical failure, gas leaks, glass replacement affecting safety or security, excessive hot/cold conditions, plumbing leaks or floods, roof leaks, or door/lock malfunctions affecting safety or security please:
- Call 979.845.4311 (24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week)
- Then please contact your residential area 24-hour service desk at 979.845.2821, Resident Advisor on duty, or refer to the University Police Department at 979.845.2345.
Pest Information
On occasion, bats will get into residence halls, particularly in the spring months. If you see a bat, take the steps below to report it and protect yourself and your neighbors.
- Call the SSC Solutions Communications Center at 979.845.4311. Be sure to tell them the specific location of the bat in as much detail as possible.
- Find a residence hall or apartment staff member and alert them of the bat’s presence. If you cannot find a staff member in your hall call the 24-Hour Service Desk at 979.845.2821 to have a staff member call. The Gardens Apartments RA on duty may be contacted by calling 979.220.1637 and the White Creek Apartments RA on duty may be contacted by calling 979.458.8500.
- If you come into contact with a bat, are bitten by a bat, or wake up to find a bat in your room, it is strongly recommended that you seek medical attention at Student Health Services or with your healthcare provider, as some bats can carry rabies. While rabies can be fatal, a doctor’s treatment after a bat encounter is very effective.
In recent years, bed bugs have made a resurgence in this country. Unfortunately, Texas A&M residence halls have not been immune. Previously we have had some cases of bed bugs, but were able to effectively eliminate them. However, there is always the potential for more to occur. The following information is being provided to calm any fears about bed bugs and to instruct residents about what to do if bed bugs are suspected in your room.
Adult bed bugs are slightly smaller than a lady bug or about 3/8 of an inch long. They are reddish-brown in color with flat oval shaped bodies. Bed bugs feed on the blood of people and other warm blooded animals. They are nocturnal feeders who, unlike lice or fleas, do not live on hosts but rather in the “nests” of hosts. Bed bugs do not fly or leap but rather hide in dark crevices close to food sources.
The average lifespan for a bed bug is 12 to 18 months and they can live for months without feeding. Bed bugs are spread by hitchhiking from areas of infestation on clothes, furniture, bedding, and suitcases.
Are bed bugs a concern here?
Bed bugs were scarce during the later part of the last century, but their populations have surged in recent years. Changes in the types of pesticides and their usage, as well as an increase in international travel, have contributed to the rise of the bed bug. Bed bugs are most common in places where many people sleep. These places include hotels, motels, apartments, cruise ships, and residence halls. They can easily travel on clothing, linens, and furniture. Infestations of bed bugs do not necessarily indicate poor hygiene.
Can bed bugs hurt me?
Although bites can cause severe itching, they are relatively harmless. When a bed bug bites, it releases a salivary fluid which can irritate skin and cause allergic reactions over time. Scratching the bites can cause secondary infections and scarring. Washing the bite area with soap and water and applying an anti-itch/antihistamine cream is recommended. If infection occurs, seek medical attention. Bed bugs are not known to transmit any blood-borne diseases such as HIV or AIDS.
Do I have bed bugs?
Bed bug bites are identified by small welts similar to mosquito bites. Often these welts occur in rows of three or more and cause itching and discomfort. These bites show up in the morning or middle of the night. If bed bugs are present, tiny dark excrement stains will be on the sheets, pillowcases, and mattresses. Molted skins and egg shells may also be present, but look for the crawling or dead adults as well. In cases of severe infestation, a musty sweet smell may be detected.
Examine areas around the bed and sleeping quarters for signs of bed bug activity. Bed bugs prefer areas around fabric, wood, and paper. Check the folds or seams in bedding and linens. Check around the headboard and footboard paying special attention to corners and crevices. Check baseboards, moldings, and carpet seams near and around the bed. Bed bugs often travel up so check areas above the level where you sleep. Check artwork and wall hangings, curtains, and walls. Look for any excrement spots, skin casings, or live bugs.
What if I have bed bugs?
Please contact your Resident Advisor, Community Director, Resident Manager, or Graduate Hall Director as soon as possible. The CD/RM/GHD will contact the proper entity to evaluate and treat (if needed) your room. Bed bugs CAN be controlled with vigilance and constant inspection and treatment by professional pest control technicians.
How do I prevent getting bed bugs?
- Do not bring infested items into your room. Thoroughly inspect any “freebie” or second hand furniture or accessories before you bring them in.
- Check luggage, clothing, and bedding after trips, especially after trips abroad.
- Clean up and reduce clutter to eliminate some of their favorite hiding spots.
- Keep rooms clean and tidy. Vacuum crevices and upholstery regularly.
- Vacuum mattresses frequently or permanently encase mattress in a mattress bag.
- Pull bed away from wall or other furniture. Tuck in sheets and blankets to avoid contact with the floors or walls.
If you should have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask your Resident Advisor, Community Director, Resident Manager, or Graduate Hall Director, or call the Department of Residence Life Central Administrative Office.
How to Prevent Moisture & Organic Growth
The health and comfort of our residents is of the highest priority for Texas A&M University Department of Residence Life. Using these guidelines will help contribute to an environment that is best for you and everyone else – especially when it’s hot and humid, or when the outside temperature changes.
If you suspect you have issues in your room such as organic growth, high humidity, AC not working, moisture, or other general maintenance needs – submit a work order! Aggieworks, SSC Services for Education, or TAMU Utility & Energy Services will respond as soon as possible!
Submit a work request for all maintenance and custodial needs at aggieworks.tamu.edu.
Help Prevent Moisture and Organic Growth
- Put in a work order as soon as you notice organic growth, excessive moisture, or a problem with your AC.
- Keep your AC set at 70-76 degrees and the fan speed set to low, medium, or high, never off.
- Do not tamper with or cover your thermostat with anything – this will prevent it from working properly.
- Keep your windows and doors closed – open windows and doors can cause condensation and may contribute to mold growth.
- Keep your room free of wet or damp items (such as clothes, towels, or overwatered plants).
- Clean your room regularly! Small amounts of mold can be easily cleaned with household cleaners or disinfecting wipes, then dried completely.
How are we doing?
We’re committed to providing the best service to on campus residents.
In an effort to ensure quality, timely maintenance, custodial, and pest control services in the on-campus housing facilities for our students by SSC Service Solutions/Compass USA (a private outsourced company hired to provide maintenance, grounds maintenance, pest control, and custodial), we welcome your feedback. Please complete a brief evaluation of your Custodial & Maintenance Service or your Pest Control Service experience.