It’s so easy to get involved when you live on campus!
There are over 1,000 student organizations on campus to choose from and even then, Student Activities makes it very easy to form your own organization if you still can’t find what you want. Never miss a meeting or activity when you live so close to everything happening on campus. Even more convenient, there are several ways to get involved right where you live. Consider joining one or more of the following residential organizations and make a positive impact benefitting you and your fellow on-campus Aggies.
Founded in the 1972-1973 school year by the Civilian Student Council, the Residential Housing Association (RHA) is one of the most exciting student leadership organizations at Texas A&M University. All students who live on campus, outside of the Corps of Cadets and The Gardens Apartments, are automatically members of RHA. Opportunities to serve fellow students and the community, create engaging programming for residents, provide funding for hall improvements, and learn what it takes to be a leader and community member are what RHA is all about.
RHA is a state, regional, and national award-winning organization which focuses on leadership development, community development, empowering students and creating positive change at Texas A&M University. RHA sends a very spirited delegation of students to the SWACURH (Southwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) and NACURH conferences each year, where students from across the region and nation present programs that exemplify the building strong community and developing leaders. With its sister organization NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary), RHA is a very intense student leadership experience committed to enhancing the lives of our on-campus residents and the community.
Website: http://rha.tamu.edu
Home is where the heart is and the Heart of the Aggie Experience is in our halls, complexes, and apartment communities! Our Community Councils help build camaraderie, spirit, and tradition at Texas A&M by creating educational and social events; encouraging long-standing Texas A&M traditions in their communities; offering competitive leadership positions (even for first-year students); and representing students as a liaison to Residential Housing Association (RHA), the Department of Residence Life, and Texas A&M University. For more information, residents should contact their Resident Advisor.
Staff Council is a representative assembly of residence hall staffs which promotes communication with professional staff, RHA, and other departmental offices, as well as provides general and financial support for residence hall staffs. Staff Council is a change-making body composed of representatives from each residence hall staff, and is a financially self-sufficient and University-recognized student organization. Staff Council proposes improvements in staff work environments and residence hall policy, utilizing a board of directors’ management style through its Executive Council.

So, what does NRHH do?
NRHH is the primary way to recognize students and staff for outstanding service and exceptional leadership. Every month, awards are given at Texas A&M University to praise those who have made an impact (large and small) in the lives of our on-campus students and our residence hall communities. Write an “Of the Month Award” bid for someone who makes a difference. These “OTM” awards are eligible for recognition at the regional and national level once they are selected. Website: http://nrhh.tamu.eduFounded in 2011, the Aggie Eco-Reps is an organization sponsored by the Department of Residence Life for resident students to educate their peers about how to live more sustainable lifestyles.
Aggie Eco-Reps host outreach programs in the residence halls, participate in campus-wide events such as Campus Sustainability Day, Texas Recycles, and Earth Day, and promote a sustainable lifestyle by living as an example for fellow students. The Aggie Eco-Reps work to encourage students to make small changes in how they live, from turning electronics off when not in use, using a reusable water bottles, reducing food waste, taking advantage of alternative transportation, to recycling bottles and cans on campus. The Aggie Eco-Rep's mission is "providing on-campus students with the education and opportunity to promote and continue sustainability," As a grassroots movement here at Texas A&M University, they are making progress every day.
Current President: Kellen Moore [email protected]
Advisor: Kenya Reeves [email protected]
Instagram: @aggieecoreps
A vital component of the Department of Residence Life is our student staff. They help to develop a healthy living environment within the residence halls and apartment communities. Learn more about student employment opportunities with the department for positions such as Resident Advisor (RA), Academic Peer Mentor (APM), front desk workers, and more.
Want more?
Look through our ever-growing list of organizations through the Department of Student Activities website.