-Ally Wittig ‘24
Build a Social Network
Meet a more dynamic group of students from all backgrounds and be exposed to a wider range of ideas and cultures. Living on campus will help you establish a solid network of friends that will last a lifetime.
Save Time
The convenience of living on campus makes it easy to get to class on time. You also have access to meet with professors, study in the library, head to the computer lab, Student Success Center and more.
Less Hassle
Living on campus not only saves time but is easy! All amenities, utilities, furniture, and dining are included. No commuting, cooking, or cleaning is required!
Living on Campus
You’ll find a variety of academic initiatives in your on-campus residence, such as tutoring, technology, individual and group study spaces, resource libraries, workshops, and other academic-focused special events.
Living on campus gives students an academic edge. According to the American Council on Education, studies show that students who live on campus:
- achieve higher grade point averages than their off-campus peers
- report a higher degree of satisfaction with the college experience
- have higher retention and graduation rates
- are more likely to succeed in college and complete a bachelor’s degree in 4 years
- have more positive self-images, as well as enhanced self-confidence, public-speaking ability, and self-reliance
- participate in more extracurricular activities (a fact especially important to business recruiters and particularly true for Texas A&M)